BH Cosmetics Studio Pro 13 Piece Brush Set

Ok, so you know how you see something, and it looks like it could be decent, and it really doesn't hold your interest(or so you think!); but you just keep seeing it over and over again?  That's EXACTLY what happened to me with today's brush set up for review!  I'm the type of girl who needs her functionality to be fabulous, so when I saw these, they sparked my creativity, but were too plain for my taste.  Over the holidays, this set was paired with a palette I had my eye on for a while in a haul, so I took that as my synchronistic sign from the Universe to give these a fair shot...

This set gives you the EXACT aesthetic the name suggests: PROfessional.  The barrels are matte black, and the ferrules are made of a metallic silver.  These bristles are a vegan duo-fiber.  Each brush is sturdy, and feels of good quality when held.  Now for the good stuff...These brushes are SUPERB!!!  Each one is well-made, and perform like far more expensive tools.  The deluxe fan brush(#1) is ideal for applying highlighter to the apples of your cheeks.  As for the tapered powder brush(#2), it has to be my favorite because it is a "brush of all trades"; as it is just ass effective as a setting powder brush as it is to blend your blush/contour.  I used the flat top buffing brush(#4) to apply my foundation, which resulted in a Beauty Blender-esque finish.

Although I didn't single any of the eye brushes out, TRUST, they are real superstars too!  There's a blender for EVERY task.  The set is currently on sale via the BH website for $23.22, but is sooo worth every penny of the $28.00 they cost retail.  This is the type of set you buy and never want to give up, because it ALWAYS does you right, and only gets better with age.  💋💋💋💋💋, yet again! At this point, I am in awe of BH!~The Queen  

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