Makeup for the Inside

Makeup is one of those things in life that is meant to improve our perception of reality.  Makeup in and of itself does nothing to enrich the individual on a spiritual level, however, because of the effect it has on what we perceive as REAL, and has the capability to improve what you see and how you are seen each day when you open your eyes, it holds unspeakable power.  I'm using this to my advantage, because, no person is complete if there are things inside that make us feel less than desirable.  This post won't contain any beauty hacks or products to try, it's going to offer TRUE PERSPECTIVE, it's makeup for the inside...

Let's Begin...

What have you done today to make you smile?  Take the time to hand craft your day.  What I mean by that is to set some time aside each night as apart of your bedtime routine to really THINK about what it is you want to accomplish the next day.  Be sure to include at least 1 activity, no matter how small, that makes you smile.  A smile is the closet few seconds of heaven you will come to while breathing; it's ESSENTIAL to your everyday life.

Keeping a spirit of gratitude and forward thinking is imperative to your well-being.  If we are constantly reminding ourselves of all the things that make our life worth living, we find less time to dwell on the things that don't.  Understanding that yesterday is over, and TOMORROW is the day that holds ALL the possibility, and not a moment after that, makes living for the moment soo much easier.  After all, what else do you really have?!!

Last, and possibly the most important thing of all; KEEP LISTENING TO YOU.  Do not for one minute allow anyone else to presume that they are more in tune with your dreams and aspirations than you are.  If there is one thing I have learned the hard way it has been that my life is ONLY mine to live.  Involving others in things that effect the outcome of how MY life turns out is just preposterous.  NO ONE spends more time with me than I do.  Even if I am afraid to say so, or just don't know at the time, the original thought is still MINE.  Put your opinion first.  At the end of the day, it's the only one that matters...

Life is the reason we feel like makeup is necessary.  It's the people we meet, and the situations we encounter that make it something that matters to us.  We should be as meticulous with the inside as we are with what people see on the outside.  Pay attention to the "products" you are using, and what is going in.  If its BS, then let it go.  You will NEVER radiate with the glow of true love, SELF-LOVE, otherwise.  After all, Who has time to be walking around half-beat??!!~The Queen~ 

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