Nothing New Under the Sun

SIGH!!!  Alas, Fall fashion has unveiled itself for the 2013 season, and I must say, it is a cleverly refurbished trip to things past. We all know that everything has a source, an inspiration that springs forth from some place.  Don't get me wrong, I adore a nostalgic approach to fashion,  especially when reinvention takes hold of the design and something truly remarkable occurs; the perfect juxtaposition, antiquity meets ingenuity.  Fabulous!

My disdain is presented when the same items are being rehashed over and over again, and the only thing innovative about them are what we are choosing to call them for the moment.  A prime example of this would be a midi skirt.  Am I showing my souls' age by thinking this slew of midi skirts we are seeing all over the runway this season are not the cleverly disguised tea-length frocks we were forced to wear as children and thoroughly dispised? Not a single stitch changed. 

Has fashion become so complacent that all we do now is change the name of the season on the calendar and hope the masses don't notice that there is not one original idea in an entire collection?  Have we reached the pinnacle of fashion to where no more can be done, innovation is no longer up to the designer, but the consumer?

If that is the world we now live in I say EMBRACE it.  I say throw caution to the wind and go forth and forge your own fashion destinies.  Wear what you want when you want, and realize that whatever is being presented as "new" is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, and chances are, YOU ALREADY OWN IT!
