Ugggghhhh!!!!! Nobody Cares!!!!

Omg Omg Omg!  I had to take a second to post a baby rant of sorts....I Just Couldn't Take It Anymore!!

Ok, so I've been doing ALOT of recon on YouTube, you know, tryna get a feel for what's out there, see what other gals are doing, and get an idea of what the people want.  I'm all about paying homage and having fabulous instructors to lead the way.  I Love the honesty of Emily Noel.  I love the youthful exuberance and pure joy that Wing, Diva Makeup Queen brings to every video she shoots.  There are a few others that rock my world like RissRose2.

Sadly, there are MANY others that drive me CRAZY!!!

I will never mention a person's name.  I refuse to attack character.  I will, however speak about the choices made which are so blatantly displayed for the world to see.  Fair Game ;-)

First of all, stop addressing how you feel about packaging of different products.  When is the last time you sat down with your friends and discussed how you felt about the tube your new lipgloss came in?  It's completely unnecessary.  Stop subjecting the rest of the world to your idiotic OCD tendancies and ridiculous quirks.  WE DO NOT CARE!  Moreover, I am also completely disinterested in the one-sided opinions of label whores.  Yes people, they exist down to the bare essentials, even makeup.  Stop telling me how much you prefer your M.A.C products to anything else on the market.  If that is indeed how you feel, why even purchase another brand?  You know why?! Because, unless you are an artist receiving a deep discount on product, the average person cannot afford to buy it in that amount or frequency they would want ideally.

  Unfortunately we live in a damaged creation that allows for a brand to thrive on name alone, not necessarily quality.  There are few that the two are one in the same, however, we have now allowed for a name to define how much we will spend on it, regardless of quality.  We have also been programmed to think that if its not expensive, it's not as good...False.

Stop carrying on for these cosmetic companies and providing free marketing.  You and your obsession is their most successful ad campaign.  These desperate attempts at getting the Cool Kid's attention are just as futile now as they were in High School.  It won't get your face on any of their posters and it most certainly will not gain you keys to the conglomerate.  It didn't work then and it will not work now. Makeup isn't your "in" to the "IT" crowd, so Stick to the Facts.***The Queen***
