Closet Shopping: 30 Fits in 30 Days

When it comes to getting dressed on a daily basis, those of us who care generally take the sucka way out and either wear the same basic crap from week to week, and cop to buying some sub-par outfit to go out in.  We never devote the time necessary to building a fully functional wardrobe.  

That stops now.

  I am the first to admit on relying on retail therapy as my go-to plan of action when in dire need of an outfit, and rely on my *Reserves* as my backup plan.  What I will do moving foward is the exact opposite.

  RESERVES: Small supply of misc, never- worn items, however, cannot be an entire outfit. This is what sneakerheads refer to as deadstock.

   What I have been doing my last few shopping excursions is target items to add to the Reserve, not that I would not necessarily be wearing right away. With warm weather already here, and even warmer weather on the way, the Black Kennedys have a full schedule for the upcoming month. I decided to utilize it as a prime fashion experiment.  For the next 30 days, I am not allowed to purchase any items of clothing. I am to rely soley on my current wardrobe, and items in my Reserve.   The only acceptable purchases will be accessories or fairly inexpensive items to add to the reserve.  HOWEVER, no clothing items can be purchased.

Upon completion of this experiment, if sucessful, I will not only have solidified my place as the Flyest Nigga You Know, but I will have also been able to save the necessary funds to buy myself something fabulous.

P.S. As I get older, the more I find myself going for Quality moreso than Quantity. Pick an aspect of your life to apply that martra to and see how quickly things begin to hold their value for you. It works on the people "aspect" of your life too...Just a suggestion.***The Queen***
